Wednesday, 19 December 2007
What is going on?

Seiza- You have heard it but in reality got no idea what it means!
"...and sitting to attention in seiza, the painful kneeling position of all would-be Samurai,...." Robert Twigger in Angry white Pyjamas-yes you guessed it Seiza is the sitting position adopted in class at the beginning and end of each class. To adopt such a position do as follow: Start with Musubi-dachi, bend your knees and place your right knee on the floor first,(turn your hips slightly), then your left knee making sure your toes overlap at the back, place your hands on top of the respective legs as in the picture, at this point move your knees so hat they are about 1 foot apart and there you're in SEIZA- OSS!
Sunday, 16 December 2007

Tuesday, 11 December 2007
1- zenkutsu- dachi, gedan- barai 2- zenkutsu- dachi, oi- zuki
3- zenkutsu- dachi, gedan- barai 4- tetsu-uchi
5- zenkutsu-dachi, oi-zuki
6- zenkutsu-dachi, gedan- barai
7,8,9- zenkutsu-dachi, age-uke, KIAI
10- zenkutsu-dachi, gedan-barai 11- zenkutsu-dachi, oi-zuki
12- zenkutsu-dachi, gedan-barai 13-zenkutsu-dachi, oi-zuke
14- zenkutsu-dachi, gedan-barai
15,16,17-zenkutsu-dachi, oi-zuki, KIAI
18,19,20,21- kokutsu-dachi, shuto-uke
Please note the men in black are only shadows of the move next to them.
Saturday, 8 December 2007