Monday, 26 October 2009

New Classes

Hi All,

Good news coming up:

From 7th January 2010 the Kicking frog and Hackbridge Dojo will have a new class on Thursdays.
The new class will start at 18:30 and finish at 20:00.
As before both adults and children are welcome to practice together, and prices will remain the same as the ones practiced on Saturdays.

I also would like to inform you that the club will close for Christmas on 26th December and New year on 2nd January re-opening on 7th January 18:30 for the new year with a NEW CLASS.

Tuesday, 2 June 2009


Hi all,
The time is fast approaching!
Please if you are coming to the Summer Gashuku get your forms in. Only 2 weeks left.
If you need forms I will have some for you in class, alternatively you can obtain them form the skkif website.
Looks like we will have the largest turn up since we started to be part of this event.
This will be great!

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

dojo kun

Jinkaku kansei ni tsutomuru koto
Seek perfection of character
Makoto no michi o mamoru koto
Be faithful
Doryoku no seishin o yashinau koto
Reigi o omonzuru koto-
Respect others
Keki no yu o imashimuru koto
Refrain from violent behavior

Monday, 27 April 2009

Hi all,
sorry for the long time since last message was left in the blog but a lot has happened in the last months that prevented me from writing in here.
Now I hope to be able to carry on with a few more regular items.
Hope you are all well.
On this message a few updates for every one:
The club is now nearly one year old and I am hoping to celebrate with a small party for the students, if not hope to join the SNSS for the annual get together and celebrate in that way, still to be decided.
Also a group of students are going to participate on the coming Guilford competition.
Hope to send some students there next year, hope you're up for it.
A number of training courses coming up for details see the SNSS website or get in touch with myself.
Have you taught about this years Gashuku?
Well the time is coming and very soon I will be asking for confirmation from all of you.
it would be really great if all could come. So far it looks like we are going with the largest group ever.
Lastly I would like to announce that I intend to start with the Dojo Kun as off this coming week, if you haven't memorised it yet don't worry for the first few weeks I will have it on the wall.
In the next class please ask me for a print of the Dojo Kun I have some to give out still.